Title 1 and LAP kindergarten through 4th grade reading intervention

Title I & Learning Assistance Program

Learning support programs

Through the Title 1 and Learning Assistance Program, Battle Ground Public Schools supports students struggling to meet academic standards and graduation requirements. Title I and LAP programs include reading support for primary students, instructional support for middle schoolers and graduation support for high schoolers.

Professional qualifications of teachers and paraeducators

Parents of children attending Title I and Part A schools have the right to request and receive information about the qualifications of the educators who teach students’ core subjects – reading, English language arts and math. The same applies to paraprofessionals who provide instruction to students.

How do Battle Ground Public Schools' K-4 learning assistance programs work?

  • Identify students who qualify for services.
  • Provide targeted reading lessons.
  • Learning assistance programs are in addition to core classroom lessons.
  • Students work in small groups of 3-4 students.
  • Groups meet four days per week for 20-30 minutes per grade level.

How are students identified to receive LAP support?

We use data from the following tests to identify students who may need support.

  • Kindergarten: Early Literacy Skills Assessment
  • Grades 1-3: iReady
  • Grade 4: Smarter Balanced Assessment and iReady

Who can I contact to learn more?

Please contact your child’s school to be connected to the reading intervention specialist. They are ready to work with you!
School directory

Contact information

Lynnell Murray, Director of Federal Programs

Heidi Lammers, Title I/LAP Coordinator

Jessica Davis, LSP Facilitator

Citizen complaint against Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
A citizen complaint is a statement that OSPI has violated a federal or state law or regulation that applies to a federal program. Anyone can file a complaint; there is no special form. Learn more.


icon 11104 N.E. 149th Street,
Brush Prairie, WA 98606

iconShipping & Receiving: All Locations
400 N. Parkway Ave. Battle Ground, WA 98604

iconMailing Address: P.O. Box 200
Battle Ground, WA 98604



iconFor Skyward help, please contact your child's school